Time to Move Better, Feel Better & Be Happier


Welcome to the Over 50’s Pilates & Yoga Revolution!


I’m thrilled to be able to help and guide you to the most “YOU” you have ever been!

The most happiest.

The most in love with yourself.

The most relaxed and calm you’ve ever been.


Who you are doesn’t really feel like You.  You feel as though your body and you are not one and the same and it’s been a long time since you felt energized and excited!

Perhaps the kids have left home and now you’re wondering what’s next for you?


You’re approaching menopause or coming out the other side and all of a sudden, you’ve got wrinkles on your knees and you haven’t worn your jeans in ages because they’re just too tight and you’re feeling unsexy and ugh!


There’s something itching inside of you that wants to explore some soulfulness.



You really want to……..

  • get your body into better shape and feel stronger and more desirable.
  • exercise in the comfort and privacy of your own home and fit it in around your schedule.
  • become more energized, less moody, and full of life, just like you used to be
  • Feel at peace, calm and happy on the inside



And you want to be able to achieve this ……


WITHOUT….. killing yourself in the gym with the 20-year-old gym bunnies and having to stock up on the tena ladies…

WITHOUT….  Suffering in silence and not having any support around you to help you through the challenging days…

WITHOUT…. Being tied to a schedule that feels restrictive and not sustainable long term….


Maybe you’ve tried exercising before and found yourself in a class with people half your age.    The class was way too fast and the teacher just ignored you.  You ached for days after and this left you feeling even more disheartened and bad about yourself, so much so, that you’ve never gone back.


Or maybe you’ve never done any exercise and the thought of joining a gym scares the life out of you and you’re worried you’re going to make a fool of yourself.


The online Soulful Pilates Revolution is here and ready to help you take that step forward so you can be the best “You” that you’ve ever been.

Move Better, Feel Better Membership

A little about me…..

Over the years I’ve suffered with depression, anxiety and PTSD.   Now as I approach my own “change of life” I have had to find ways to cope mentally and physically, because popping pills and just putting a plaster on it, is not an option.  I personally don’t want to be on happy pills for the rest of my life!


I’ve taught over 4000 Pilates & Yoga classes over the years in addition to my own personal practice and love how strong and fabulous it makes me feel.


Not only that but just moving my body and releasing stiffness, tension and stress has helped me to stay in good shape even though I’m getting older and I now have wrinkly knees !!


But what helped me the most was when I started to incorporate strategies to help with my mental health AND that’s when everything shifted for me!

I was taught WAYS to cope with my anxiety especially during those times when it was so bad I couldn’t even leave the house.


I’ve been very fortunate to have been able to share my knowledge and experiences with over 1000 clients and teachers going through my teacher training courses so that they can help their clients too.


Working with my own clients, as well as training so many teachers has really taught me just HOW different we all are and that it’s okay if you can’t touch your toes!


One of my biggest passions it to make sure my classes are ACCESSIBLE & INCLUSIVE to everyone.    One size does not fit all and our bodies are unique.  I offer you ways to help exercises fit YOUR body, not force your body to do something that isn’t right for you.


I love to laugh……


The classes are fun and yes there’s plenty of farting and no one cares.  We all giggle together.


When you begin to see the changes in your body and experience the calmness and clarity in your mind you will also begin to make better food choices and wiser decisions about how you treat your body on a day-to-day basis.


Your newfound confidence and self-worth will spread into all areas of your life. You’ll be excited to try new things or even go for those dreams you once had, no matter what age you’re at!!!


I love watching clients develop into strong, powerful role models for those around them AND keep up with their grandchildren well into their 60’s and 70’s!

Move Better, Feel Better Membership

Full Access to the whole app

FOR ONLY £15pm

Or £150 per year!

(Get two months FREE!)


When your body starts to move better YOU will start to feel better.


No more aching every time you get in and out of your chair.


No more hating on yourself because you can’t do what you used to be able to do.


No more feeling moody, tired, and disliking everything about yourself.


It’s time for you to decide how YOU want to live your life and go for it!

What it looks like in the “Over 50’s Pilates & Yoga App” Membership:

  • Instant access to our membership platform, where you’ll be able to find mini-courses, classes, self-discovery exercises and this is all available for you 24/7 online at your fingertips.
  • Specifically tailored classes for beginners or those with medical conditions that need to be taken into consideration.
  • Plenty of modifications available to help you get the most out of each class regardless of “issues” like arthritis, hip/knee replacements etc
  • Most classes are under 30 minutes, to help you stay committed.
  • Enjoy a private FB community where everyone is there to laugh together and cry together – we’re there for you and with you.
  • Enjoy some guided relaxations or self-discovery sessions to help you get a better understanding of your thoughts, your mindset, and your self-beliefs so we can begin to shift your mindset to allow you to feel happier and joyful!
  • Weekly “Hot topic” of the week aimed to keep you motivated and growing.


Over 50’s Clients Testimonials and Success Stories

Read and listen to Pilates & Yoga success stories and testimonials from our over 50’s + studio clients.

Pilates and Yoga For the Over 50’s

When I started I had Aa few aches and pains and not as flexible as I wanted to be. Elite Pilaes is fantastic and a really friendly place.  Now my flexibility is so much better AND I can play on the floor with grandchildren and get up again easily.  I’ve made lots of friends and really look forward to going to my sessions!

Tina Butterworth 61

Kingskerswell (Torquay)

Pilates and Yoga For the Over 50’s

I’ve been doing regular Pilates with Tanja and Paul for about 7 years now.  It’s really great, it’s friendly and very supportive.  It’s great that even after 7 years I’m still enjoying continued strength and improving my flexibility and the best of all is all the friendships I’ve made with the other members.

Lynne Blackmore 61

Kingskerswell (Torquay)

Pilates and Yoga For the Over 50’s

I’ve been with Elite Pilates for about 5 years now and before coming I had confidence, I was very unfit and couldn’t bend over without aches.  I was worried in case I couldn’t do it and no confidence going somewhere new on my own.

NOW, it’s like my second family I don’t know how I managed before. It has transformed my life completely, no more anxiety, I have Elite Pilates to thank for that. What I’ve gained the most is the improvement with my mental wellbeing, as I suffered from anxiety rather badly.   If I miss classes for a week I can’t wait to get back it’s just so calm as soon as you walk in the studio.  My fitness and strength have improved so much. So much so I can put beat my teenage grandchildren at certain challenges!!

Carole Burrows, 64

Newton Abbot (Kingsteignton)

Pilates and Yoga For the Over 50’s

When I started with you both over two years ago I was starting my recovery of my slipped disk. You are both so warm in your approach and have taught me masses in the world of Pilates, yoga, well-being and taking care of me.  Your studio is best in the west (as far as I am concerned!) and I will always point others in your direction.  Thank you so so much for doing what you do to a standard that I had no idea that existed from an instructor.(Bovey Tracey)

Heather Paget

Pilates and Yoga For the Over 50’s

A friend recommended it to me as she knew I was interested in Pilates. I was slightly worried about going to somewhere new and that I was going alone and didn’t know anyone. I was really impressed about how Tanya explained the moves well and said the reason for these exercises, also giving easier or more challenging ways doing them. She also explained how certain exercises might help certain problems. She was very concerned about anyone who had any issues that might find things more challenging, always checking everyone was okay with things.

Jean Patterson

Newton Abbot (Kingsteignton)

Pilates and Yoga For the Over 50’s

The reason I started Pilates is that I have a slipped disc in my back, sciatica and NO core muscles! Aches, pains etc.  When I started O was concerned about not being able to do the exercises, being judged, and very worried about putting my back out.

Now I’m finding the classes enjoyable, I’m not feeling stupid and I feel accepted and listened to AND being taught PROPER Pilates!

As a result of regular classes, I have improved my core strength (although still have a long way to go), it’s nice having the time away from ‘life’ to concentrate on myself.

Kelly Wilkinson, 58

Newton Abbot (Ipplepen)

Pilates and Yoga For the Over 50’s

Before starting with Elite Pilates I was worried I would look stupid in front of everyone and be judged beause of being over weight. One year on I have great fun and have made friends with the group and the teacher’s! 😉 Now I don’t worry about coming to the group and the teacher adapts the moves/poses to accomadate everyone. I am now confident enough to come to group on my own as everyone is so welcoming. I don’t worry about looking stupid anymore… I love it! I can come in after a stressful day and feel 100% better when I leave.

Julie Beech, 49


Pilates and Yoga For the Over 50’s

Before starting Pilates I was unable to exercise due to chronic pain following major surgery last November. I was concerned that I would find Pilates too difficult as I hadn’t done any before and didn’t want to make a fool out of myself. I’m a year in and it’s great fun. The teacher’s are really supportive and a great help ensuring you get the most out of each class. Seeing progress in yourself week after week is really satisfying. Pilates has improved my overall fitness and mental well-being. I really look forward to each class.

Linda Bell, 59


Move Better, Feel Better Membership


Is this right for you?

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve got knee replacement, hip replacement, writst etc issues, is this okay for me?

That’s okay!  All my classes are safe and I give lots of alternatives for these issues.  Many of our studio clients suffer with these ailments so all our classes are adaptable to ensure you get the most of your session 🙂


I’ve never done any exercise before will I be able to do this?

I’ve got you covered.  These sessions have been created with the beginner in mind so very detailed explanations are given to help you understand and know what your body is meant to be doing and how to change positions to suit your individual needs.


How long do I get access to the videos for?

You will have full access for as long as you are a member and I will continue to add to the library so you’re never bored and always stay motivated and challenged.


I’m only in my 30’s is this still okay for me?

Of course!  These videos are suitable for any age!


I have a busy schedule; can I do these whenever I want?

YES!!!  These are pre-recorded classes, which are all most under 30 minutes so much easier to fit into your busy schedule and work it around your own family and needs so it’s super flexibile!


How long are the classes?

Most of the classes are under 30 minutes for quick workouts and there are a few longer ones just in case you fancy a longer session!


Do I need equipment?

You don’t have to have equipment as I offer alternatives of things you can use around your house, however, investing in some of the equipment will make your classes must more fun and add an extra challenge!


Can I cancel at any time?

Yes, you can!  We understand that sometimes life gets in the way so there’s no commitment here!  We want you to be with us because you WANT to be, not because you have to!


Can my partner join in?

WHY NOT!   Couples that exercise together stay together!  In fact why not get the whole family involved!


How many times a week should I do a class?

That’s entirely up to you!   I would highly recommend carving time out in your schedule and making that slot YOUR time so that you can create a consistent practice.

The more you do the better the benefits, but even just one class a week is better than none.

The majority of the classes are under 30 minutes to help you fit it into a lunch break or quickly before the kids get up!!



Move Better, Feel Better Membership

“You deserve to do something for yourself, after years of putting everyone else first, this is your time!  

We are really excited to help you achieve your goals, on the mat and off the mat!”

Love Tanja xxx

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Learn The Pilates Fundamentals To Get You Ready To Join Any Classes Online OR Offline

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