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Chiropractor Pilates Newton Abbot Sciatica focussed Class

TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO Pilates Teacher Training | Pilates for Sciatica


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Welcome to elite pilates sciatic video or sciatic treatment / prevention.


Now we say sciatica i’ve said in other videos this will work on hip dissociation, called hip dissociation if you’ve got tight lower back, may be painful lower back, sacroiliac joint what do you call dysfunctional issues and that this sort of area.

Here uh scoliosis sort of work on them from a sciatic point of view it’s almost exclusively not quite the lumbar spine the issue is in the lumbar spine.  It doesn’t mean that you only treat the lumbar spine but the issue is with true sciatica in the lumbar spine.

We’re going to do routine now what we do in our pilates because in our clinical pilates class which is basically all of them uh or if we work one-to-one with some of the type of things that we will do to help in relation to sciatica so first off we’re going to do what we usually a bit of a warm-up type one which we call the morning routine and the evening routine i’m not going to overthink it where we’ve covered it elsewhere i’m just going to rotate the spine first doesn’t matter which order you do with them keep the pelvis still just rotate to the left rotate to the right.

So we want the the spine as a unit to rotate we’re trying not i’m not interested in moving the pelvis i want the spine to move now the challenge here is keeping the pelvis still and the challenge is can we move our belly button around to the left focus on rotating the belly button around to the right now we’re not interested in the belly button it’s the lumbar spine if you focus on the belly button the belly button moves to the right move to the left you sort of focus on the lumbar spine rather than the shoulders super so that’s rotation side bends now and again same principle you’re trying to get the lumbar part of the smite the belly button to move slightly to the right the belly button to move slightly to the left and he’s doing against the walls a bit strictly give you a bit more feedback if your head because you want your head against the wall you want your shoulders against the wall and your bum because if you’re tight your brain will make you roll the shoulder forward away from the wall or hinge forward pike away from the wall so that’s lum so you’re putting the spine in lateral flexion now so let’s put it in forward flexion

i don’t know the thing a slight bend in the knees or a big bend in your knees but focusing on the spine remember not on oh you’ve got to be done this way you just chin to just roll down try and get your head between your knees and we’re trying to mobilize the lumbar spine from a sciatic point of view we’re interested in the lumbar spine now if you’ve got scoliosis if you know what scoliosis is what you probably might see is just go from the front with scoliosis someone might be lifted on one side or they might not just go down to the center because you’re aiming to go down directly in the middle as you roll down directly in the middle directly up just something to note that’s all so if one person side is up a little bit there’s a good chance there’s one sign of a scoliosis a lateral deviation in the super.

Now for spinal extension opens up the hip flexors lovely this hands above the pelvis you can have the thumbs the heels of the hand or the fist and you’re pushing above the pelvis not on the spine either side of the spine push it forward put your spine into extension and then bring it back up again i’ll do another one like that push the pelvis forward get your heart into extension super and all i’d like tons to do now is just go through that again without me explaining just demonstrate just the morning routine just do a couple each time the emphasis on rotating and moving that lumbar part of the spine more than the others from a sciatic point of view.it’s slightly harder to move the lumbar spine in this in the rolled outs i find, that’s why i like half roll downs. Now remember what i said in relation to sciatica the issue is lumbar spine certain scoliosis the issue might very well be from the lumbar spine

So what we’re going to do today is specifically we’re going to target one of those moves and it’s the side bends so i’ll talk a little bit more about the side bend so feet hip socket distance apart imagine you’re encased in the glam plane of glass you can’t move forward you can’t move backwards or you can do it against the wall now to keep the pelvis still keep your feet evenly weighted and now just focus on the lumbar spine we’re trying to move the spine over to the side bring it back up send it over the other side bring it back up using the opposite abdominals.


But as a basic trying to keep this basic we’re just trying to mobilize the spine don’t over think it should breathe into the breathe out we’ll do whatever the hell you want are you moving your spine.

Move the Spine – to Teat Low Back Pain & Sciatica


Now just think of it logically if Tanja lifts her pelvis up then she’s not moving the spine this time that makes sense we’re trying to move the spine keep the pelvis where it is and the key to that is are your feet evenly weighted i use an analogy just imagine just stand up imagine your left foot is standing on a pair of bathroom scales and your right foot is standing on a pair of bathroom scales look down at what they weigh and go oh and then as you do your side bends you make sure that those bathroom scales weigh the same in other words don’t start d waiting and then not hard isn’t that yeah.

We actually swear one day we’re actually going to do that invest in two bathroom scales because we haven’t got a pair between us and actually try it so the movement wants to come in particular from the lumbar spine yes you’re getting the whole spike but we’re trying to focus from sciatica on the whole spa but his note is there a restriction one side more than the other does it feel that how far down you get in the hands okay so that’s one way you can do it another way so that focuses more on the lumbar spine what about the muscles there’s two great big muscles either side of that at the back which if you’ve got tight lower back low back pain you can almost guarantee these would be tight called chronograph this lumbar.

So what we’re going to do is do the side bend but then push the opposite pelvis out try and exaggerate it for the camera if you can so side bend to the left you push the right pelvis this way keeping the feet flat on the floor and away you go now this will work more quadratus lumborum so you’re taking it away a little bit for lumbar spine and you bring in other tissues other muscles and tissues into play so you’re getting faster as well but you’re bringing this particular you’ve got tight lower back restrictions in your hip and pelvis and lumbar spine quadratus lumborum will be tight but is it tied to right or left you open up the hips as well you’re working on lateral turn again you can hold it for 20 seconds.


If you’re particularly tight you’re okay with that oh that’s lovely right now we can add in neural glossone or neural gliding on your stretch and whatever and it’s a little bit of a fascia component so there’s three things to focus on now side bend push the opposite pelvis out as you do so look up to the ceiling pause bring yourself back up side bend push the pelvis out look up to the seal so there’s the three things you’ve got to focus on but these are said and done this one it’s just it’s weird just how looking up the head of the ceiling can add and make stress the lower back in a good way it depends on where you’ve got issues i say lower back if you’ve got issues in your lower back your feet you’ll feel any move where you feel it have you got issues very particularly it is it is actually yeah there’s no right you can say as a basic you should feel this here or there but you know what people might not you might feel at some weird places i i had a full of three fours actually in the month i want to do this do that oh my god it got me up the back of the neck in a nice way but i could feel it there whereas in the past i’ve never felt there before always felt it more with his head carry on in the lower back now say look up to the ceiling look to the wall behind you the thing to avoid when you use the head turn is what people do is the the brain likes to certainly migrate unless you focus on just one thing i can’t multi-task so what women as well by the way what they’ll tend to do is they’ll do a half-hour side-band they’ll do a half-hour push the pelvis out and they do a token gesture of looking up to the ceiling now try and go pain-free but you’re doing the best side bend you can push the powers out as much as you can and really try and look behind you.





Now with this and tanya’s doing that she goes to a right not to the left just go to the left again i’ll tell you what you do in a minute that way no that’s the right go to the left yeah it’s only as you go to the right that you’re doing it and i noticed that myself the other day that’s why it’s good to do against the wall this one because if you’re particularly tight let’s see if i can do it i’m going to exaggerate it as i go this way as tanya was doing she’s basically piking in the middle there’s a bit of an exaggeration so it’s just now in your head you’re probably doing them and that’s the problems you can do it against the wall it’ll keep it strict so you can do that one against the wall and if your head moves against the wall you know you’ve moved if you push your bum in more you know there’s an issue there your brain’s job is to move away from pain and discomfort so that’s taking the side bends a stage further you’d think you couldn’t double your phone but folks you can.

Now for this one i just like a small it just has to be i’ll show you what we’re doing actually it’s about a centimeter this block this particular mac is quite deep so we could do it on here and all we’re going to do is do the left foot first this can get confusing i want to keep it simple all those moves you’ve just done we’re going to do but with the block under the left foot so you keep your feet hip socket distance apart and all that does oh let me just explain a minute keep the both legs straight keep both legs locked out keep both legs straight if you do then your pelvis to ski with it go this is great for sciatica possibly more relevant for um scoliosis but again it’s to be honest with you for the whole spine and now just do your normal side bends no just normal side bends where you’re keeping the pelvis as still as you can go to the left go to the right oh and again you’re trying to keep the feet evenly weighted the biggest one is you’ve got to keep the legs locked out the whole point of being on the block it’s just a small block okay yeah it is amazing but that’s a centimeter is less than an inch but anyway okay and now are you giggling now do the side bends push just push the power same foot side bend push the pelvis out yeah so again again your lumbar spine getting quadratus lumborum yeah that sounds like it doesn’t feel like there’s any space there and then you can add the head turn up as well

and noting how that feels guess what you do now come up swap over now put the block under your right foot away you go so just normal side bends first keep the pelvis still that targets more than lumbar spine and then you try to couple each side then push the pelvis out you can do a lot more we’ll just demonstrate you spend all day just doing one of you wanted i wouldn’t say all day but you know what i mean and then maybe you had the head add the head-turning.




Super and come off that okay with that yeah okay all the variations to make it a little bit more intense certainly more fascia related and again you can do that on the block without the bucket i’m just going to keep it similar let’s just stay off the block on the block is very very good it’s fantastic for that really yeah especially for scoliosis but you found the difference you feel the difference yeah you’re looking at me vacantly i’ve got a clue you zoned out there didn’t you no i just think it sounds that’s all right okay so sidebands raise your right arm in the air palm facing up yeah and just stand back reach up keep the arms straight reach up reach up reach up normal side bends we keep the pelvis still but don’t allow the belt the arm to bend keep it straight you’re actually trying to create opposition in pilates the fingertips go up to the ceiling and you’re trying to slide them as far down as you can but keeping the feet evenly weighted to keep the pelvis so it’s a it’s this a sort of a rough knot do they do the other person do that lymph wristed limp yeah not that version reach up we’re trying to stretch off the fascia in particular now on the right side as well as still getting the other tissues by the way you should have shaved your armpits and then just change sides now you can do again you can do five one side five the other i actually like to alternate these from the mobility of the spine which is what we’re really after i like alternating them and again likewise into that you can add push the pelvis out side bend push the pelvis out just do one one side one the other

Now it does make a difference from a faster pointy view do you raise your arms out to the side to bring it up or to the front to the front you get much more of a fascia palm up to the front oh okay and now the head turn

So the head turn is as you do the movements you don’t do the movement and then lock up you look up as you’re doing the movement now this also now you’re not just bringing in it’s not just the case of you bringing in the fascia you’re bringing now the upper with the head turn the neck and the upper back the upper part of the spine thoracic




Again you can do them as well with the arms in on stand on the block do a step left foot unlock right foot on the mark with the head with the arm the arm raised i’m raising bring brings in a new dimension to that one you could argue it’s not it’s slightly less on the lumbar spine there’s one argument for that because it’s focused a little bit more up there but another argument counter argument to that would be the fact the arm is up here and that’s down there you are stressing that a little bit more in a nice way well i can definitely feel the muscles working in there when you’re doing that if you really wanted to i’m not a great fan of it but you can you do all of that with a light pair of weights in your hand and it doesn’t have to be heavy weight don’t go that’s the biggest mistake people make when you start using weights a little is good therefore a lot’s gonna be better it’s not.




It’s actually a very good one to do a little bit of weight in both hands as you do whether you’re doing the arm one or even without it works the glue to the pelvis as in strengthening the back as in strengthening the spine that’s the added advantage of using the weight you’re getting that um the strength component there i need dinky weights yeah do it one kilogram kilograms yeah um i think that that that’s it for that uh just taking the morning routine and taking just one component of that which is the side bends and we’re moving the spine in a lateral way and stretching off a whole host of tissues and again don’t neglect the block it just has to be a slight difference for some people if you’ve got issues then you will you will notice that i’d be amazed if you don’t but you might want to go to if you’re able to a lot of that depends on your your leg length to be honest with you is can you do that on a bigger block but still have both legs locked that just stresses it more in a in a nice way so for me that’s just about doable.

There’s not a lot more movement there as you can see there’s my side bend to the left like that without that i can go right down so that’s it you’re okay with that yeah so again it’s targeting the target inside here but probably more relevant for scoliosis to be honest with you and tight tight lower back but i do think it’s working all the muscles around stretching off everything around here i can still feel it the quadratic in particular quadratus lumborum muscle because the muscle so as i bend to the left my left quadratus as being strength is being used my right is stretched up i’m going to go to this side it’s the opposite obviously now for this side i know i’ve got an initial my right quadrature so that side for me feels easier when i do this side my bum stick i can feel it moving backwards and that’s the thing to be careful of that’s why it’s good these side bend ones in particular are very good do against the wall because that’s basically your training partner that’s the one that the wall will tell you no you’re moving your bum you’re bringing your bum away or pushing your bum and you’re moving your chest forward doing it against the wall if you can is the and the stronger the supporting muscles the less issues you’ll have we want all muscles to be strong but flexible.

And that’s the issue would be that either inflexible or they’re not strong especially the spine muscles tend to be weak because we sit down uh from an evolutionary point of view far more than we should so we’re gonna strengthen muscles but also stretching them off okay yeah bye


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